DB2 Manager User Guide 23
StorageTek Proprietary
f. Allocate DB2 Manager SMF record identifier.
The DB2 Manager control region will optionally create SMF records during
object retrieval processing. This option is controlled via the SMFRECID
parameter in the ENVCNTL parameter library member.
If it is required that DB2 Manager should create SMF records, a unique SMF
user record identifier (in the range 128-255) should be assigned for DB2
Manager use. The allocated value should then be identified to DB2 Manager
via the ENVCNTL SMFRECID parameter.
g. Perform tape management system changes.
Primary tape datasets created by DB2 Manager will all have a high-level
qualifier of
where ‘hlq’ is the high-level qualifier defined for the Archive Manager
database containing the tape volume (see page 27).
Backup or duplex tape datasets (as created during object migration) will all
have high-level qualifiers of
where ‘hlq’ is the high-level qualifier defined for the Archive Manager
database for the storage group containing the tape volume (see page 27), ‘x’
is the copy identifier, and ‘n’ is the Archive Manager storage level (‘0’ or ‘1’).
The copy identifier ‘x’ may take the following values:
B - indicates the primary backup copy created by the Archive
Manager database backup utility OTASP110.
C - indicates the duplex copy created during the object storage
process (by table migration utility OTDBP100). This copy will only
be created if Archive Manager duplexing has been enabled for the
database being updated.
D - indicates the duplex backup copy created by the Archive Manager
database backup utility OTASP110. This copy will only be created
if Archive Manager backup duplexing has been enabled for the
database being updated.
Any tape management software present on the system should be amended
as required to establish appropriate scratch pool and retention period
controls. If required, the retention period or expiry date of tape volumes
created in an Archive Manager database may be specified via the Archive
Manager database administration procedure, in TSO/ISPF.
Where possible, a retention period of ‘CATALOG’ should be established for
each DB2 Manager scratch pool. When used with the Archive Manager
‘AUTOUNCAT’ facility, this will facilitate automatic return of tape volumes to
the scratch pool after release by the Archive Manager database maintenance
utility. Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for further information
about tape scratch pools and the tape database maintenance utility.