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2.3.3 Multiple CPU high speed refresh function
This function is used to update the data between internal devices of Motion CPU and
the Multiple CPU high speed transmission area. This occurs every operation cycle as
defined in the device setting of automatic refresh in the self CPU.
Classification Item Description Setting/display value Restriction
Setting No.
Setting No. which executes high speed
refresh is displayed.
1 to 128
(Up to 128)
CPU No. set in the automatic refresh setting
is automatically displayed by setting devices.
Self CPU : Refresh from the internal device
of Motion CPU to Multiple CPU
high speed transmission area.
Other CPU : Refresh form the Multiple CPU
high speed transmission area to
internal device of Motion CPU.
CPU No. 1 to No.4
Set the device No. of Motion CPU to execute
the high speed refreshes.
Usable device : D, W, #,
SD, M, X, Y, B, SM
• The start device number must be a
multiple of 16 for the bit device.
• Do not set a device not setting also
set in the automatic refresh.
• No. of "start device + number of
points" cannot exceed setting
range of each setting No. in
automatic refresh setting.
• Do not overlap the device No.
between setting No..
Set the number of points to refresh data of
each data in word unit.
(Note) Refresh is not executed when not set.
Range: 2 to 256 [points]
Unit: 2 points
• Sets the total of all CPUs to 256
points or lower.
User setting
Refresh cycle Operation cycle (fixed) — —
(Note-1) : Point in word unit.
(1) Application example of Multiple CPU high speed refresh function
Multiple CPU high speed refresh function is used as in the following applications.
1) Read the data such as the real current value and synchronous encoder
current value with PLC CPU at high speed.
2) Exchange the FIN waiting signal at high speed.