Later, to close the unit, follow these steps in order:
Make sure all the system and expansion boards are properly
seated in their connectors, and have had their mounting
screws tightened down.
Make sure all the internal cables have been properly
connected and arranged neatly. Wires should not be
pinched or caught between chassis parts or circuit boards.
Carefully slide the cover back onto the main system unit,
being careful not to damage the cables.
As you slide the cover onto the unit, adjust the alignment
to permit the cover to slide over the disk drive nosepieces.
When the cover is properly seated on the main system unit
chassis, replace and tighten down the screws on the rear
Reconnect the keyboard to its connector on the rear panel
of the main system unit.
Place the video monitor on top of the main system unit
and connect the AC power and signal cables to their
correct sockets on the rear panel.
Reconnect any peripheral device to their rear panel I/O
port connectors.
Plug the AC power cable into the socket on the rear panel
of the main system unit and the main AC power outlet.
Installing Circuit Boards
Most of the expansion products you will be installing into your
computer are circuit boards. Like the system boards installed at
Expanding Your System 7-9