MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide
Proprietary notice on title page applies
CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-150 REV:
The MK VIII EGPWS (965-1210-0XX and 965-1220-0XX) have a Global Terrain Database.
4.6.2 Description
This modification consists of loading the PCMCIA card into the EGPWS either In The Aircraft or On The
Bench. An optional verification procedure is provided.
4.6.3 Approval
This procedure contains no modification information that revises the approved configuration and therefore does
not require FAA or other regulatory agency approval.
4.6.4 Material – C ost and Availability
The AMERICAS, ATLANTIC or PACIFIC region PCMCIA card is available at no charge to Operators. Order part
Airlines & Avionics Products
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Phone: 425-885-8719
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Honeywell Aerospace
Toulouse Office
Centreda, Avenue Didier Daurat
31700 Blagnac, France
Phone: (33) 5-6171-0079
Fax: (33) 5-6130-0497
Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Honeywell P/N
Honeywell 718-1391-xxx AMERICAS Region Card 1 EA 718-1393-xxx
Honeywell 402-6075-xxx AMERICAS Region Label 1 EA 402-6075-xxx
Honeywell 718-1392-xxx ATLANTIC Region Card 1 EA 718-1392-xxx
Honeywell 402-6075-xxx ATLANTIC Region Label 1 EA 402-6075-xxx
Honeywell 718-1393-xxx PACIFIC Region Card 1 EA 718-1393-xxx
Honeywell 402-6075-xxx PACIFIC Region Label 1 EA 402-6075-xxx
4.6.5 Accomplish ment Instructions
Load the PCMCIA card data as described in paragraphs 4.6.5 A. or 4.6.5 B. below. Loading time will be
approximately 10 minutes.
A. Loading the PCMCIA Card Data with Computer Mounted in the Aircraft.
(1) Connect the Smart Cable (Honeywell PN 951-0386-001) to the EGPWC J3 connector.
(2) Ensure that the 28 VDC circuit breaker to the EGPWC in ON and that the COMPUTER OK LED on
the EGPWC front panel is on.
(3) Insert the PCMCIA card into the Smart Cable PCMCIA card slot.