Instruction Manual
IM-106-5500, Original Issue
August 2005
CCO 5500
Fault Condition To display the current fault condition, press the
ENTER key while this is displayed. This display
mode is automatically selected by the
instrument, should a fault condition occur. The
following fault conditions are recognized by the instrument:
1. *ALL CLEAR* - No fault condition.
2. Det. Saturated - the detector level gain within either the receiver or the
signal processor is too high for the current duct conditions.
3. Low Det. Level - detector levels are too low (<3,000).
4. Mod. Freq. O.R. - chopper motor frequency is out of range (<30 Hz or
>45 Hz).
5. Reference Fail. - no reference signal from the transmitter unit.
6. Cal. Fact. O.R. - after the calibration routine, the calculated Set Cal
factor is out of range. Refer to Section 6, Troubleshooting.
By pressing the arrow key the previous fault
condition can be observed.
If a fault condition exists, the minutes, hours and days averages will not be
updated. Refer to Section 6, Data Valid LED Out.
4 Diagnostic
Fault Condition
4 Previous fault
Det. Saturated