Instruction Manual
IM-106-5500, Original Issue
August 2005
CCO 5500
As this value controls the calibration of the instrument do not change it without
due consideration.
f. Plant Status Input
Used to determine whether the plant is
operating under correct conditions.
There is a choice of three controls for
plant status, only one can be used to
control plant status at any one time; logic input, serial input and
multiple input. The multiple input has five sub options; temperature
threshold, oxygen threshold, water vapor threshold, detector level
threshold and logic input. Any or all of these five options (in the
multiple option) may be selected to determine plant status.
g. Logic Input
If the PS1 and PS2 terminals are linked in the signal processor the
logic contact is made and the plant status is OFF. These terminals
may be linked manually during a plant shut down, or they may be
wired to a switch/contact outside the unit (e.g. a valve that opens and
closes the duct). Press ENTER when the logic screen is displayed if
this option is required.
h. Serial Input
If this option is selected the criteria controlling plant status are
transmitted via the serial data link. Press ENTER on viewing the
serial screen if this option is required to determine plant status.
i. Multiple
Press ENTER when the multiple display is seen and scroll through
the following options. Select YES or NO for each option depending
on whether it is to be used to determine plant status. If YES is
chosen the configuration screen for that option will be shown. Enter
the required value and press ENTER. The next option will then be
shown, similarly select YES or NO and so on. After the final option
(Logic Input) has been configured the display will revert to 'Multiple'.
Scroll down using the arrow key and when EXIT is viewed press
ENTER. The plant status is thus configured.
j. Temperature Threshold
A value is set here for the temperature
threshold. While the temperature
(taken from the normalizing
temperature) is above the threshold
value, plant status is ON. If the temperature drops below the
threshold, plant status is OFF and only the seconds averaging stack
will update.
Plant Status I/P
5 Plant Status I/P
T th’hold 262