Math 89
Xilinx Blocks
Figure 3-60: Mult block parameters dialog box - sequential type
Parameters specific to the Mult block are:
• Multiplier Type: directs the implementation to be either parallel or
• Require Maximum Pipelining: directs the core to be pipelined to the fullest
extent possible.
• Use Dedicated High-Speed Multipliers: when checked, directs the core
to use embedded multipliers (available in Virtex-II only, and when the multiplier
type is parallel).
• Hardware Over-Sampling Rate: specifies the number of hardware cycles per
input sample; does not affect behavior in simulation, only the hardware
• Use Placement Information for Core: allows specification of placement
layout shape that will be used when implementing the core in hardware
• Placement Style: specifies the layout shape in which the multiplier core will
be placed in hardware. The Rectangular option will generate a rectangular placed
core with loosely placed LUTs. Triangular packing will create a more compact
shape, with denser placement of LUTs.
Other parameters used by this block are explained in the Common Parameters section
of the previous chapter.
Xilinx LogiCORE
The Mult block always uses Xilinx LogiCORE: Multiply Generator V4.0.
The Core datasheet can be found on your local disk at: