NetAXS™ Access Control Unit User’s Guide, Document 800-04410, Revision A ix
What’s New in Release 3.1.8
Dynamic Screens and Performance Enhancements
Dynamic screens are screens that can refresh data without re-submitting. In the
Honeywell NetAXS™ panel, there is now a persistent connection between the web
screens and the panel. This allows status updates from the panel to be pushed out to
the screens automatically to display the data seamlessly on the screen.
In addition to the dynamic screens, other panel-side enhancements have been made
that improve screen performance. Now the web server detects when panels of a loop
come online faster. In the past, there was a 30- to 45-second delay during which a
panel could be online before the web would detect it. Data transfer between the panel
and web browsers has been optimized to reduce bandwidth requirements and improve
screen response times overall.
Multi-language Support
Multi-language support consists of “language files” installed with the firmware or
imported to a panel. A language selection is available on a per-user basis. The
language files are available by upload from the panel or from the Honeywell website.
You can customize the upload.
There are options to import, export, or delete the language files from a panel. During
upgrades, the language files with default names are replaced by those included with
the firmware, so we recommend that customizations be saved and imported with a
different filename than any present after upgrade. After toggling firmware sets, some
phrases may change or appear in English until the language file(s) matching the active
firmware version are imported, or the next upgrade is completed.