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Configuring via the Web Server
Configuring the System
The Host/Loop Communications tab enables you to:
• Configure the following host settings:
– Connection type (host or web server)
– Communications type
–Baud rate
– Port number
– Time sync
• Configure the loop baud rate for communication among downstream panels.
Steps: Use the descriptions in the following table to configure the settings:
Table 2-1: Configuration > System > Host/Loop Communications Tab Field Descriptions
Host/Loop Setting Description
Host Connection type Specifies the type of physical connection
between the host and the Gateway panel.
If you are connecting from a host software
system such as WIN-PAK, select one of the
following three connection options:
Direct via TCP/IP – Host connects directly to
the panel using the TCP/IP protocol.
Reverse TCP/IP – Panel connects directly to
the host system using the TCP/IP protocol.
You must enter the host IP address in the Host
IP Address field. The communication is not
Direct via RS-232 – Host connects directly to
the panel via the RS-232 protocol.
Hub Mode (modem) – Host and the panel
both connect to a modem.
If you will be connecting to the panel through
the NetAXS™ web server, click None.
(Currently not supported)
Comms Type Specifies the type of communications.
Ack/NAK – Provides a response (either an
acknowledgement or a
non-acknowledgement) in a transmission
between the host and panel(s). This is the
recommended communications type.
Non Ack/NAK – Does not provide a response
(either an acknowledgement or a
non-acknowledgement) in a transmission
between the host and panel(s).