Re--install by placing the frame in its track, rotating the
retainer back down and tighten all screws.
Failure to foll ow this warning could cause personal
injury or death.
Before performing service or maintenance operations
on the fan system, shut off all unit power and tag--out
the unit disconnect switch. Do not reach into the fan
section with power still applied to unit.
Supply Fan (Belt--Drive)
The supply fan system c onsists of a forward--curved
centrifugal blower wheel on a solid shaft with two
concentric type bearings, one on each side of the blower
housing. A fixed--pitch driven pulley is attached to the fan
shaft and an adjustable --pitch driver pulley is on the
motor. The pulleys are connec ted using a “V” type belt.
(See Fig. 5.)
Fig. 5 -- Belt Drive Motor Mounting
Check the belt condition and tension quarterly. Inspect the
belt for signs of cracking, fraying or glazing along the
inside surfaces. Check belt tension by using a spring--force
tool (such as Browning’s Part Number “Belt Tension
Checke r” or equivalent tool); tension should be 6--lbs at a
5/8-- in. deflection when measured at the centerline of the
belt spa n. This point is at the center of the belt when
mea suring the distance between the motor shaft and the
blower shaft.
NOTE: Without the spring--tension tool, plac e a straight
edge ac r oss the belt surface at the pulle ys, then deflect the
belt at mid--span using one finger to a 1/2--in. deflection.
Adjust belt tension by loosening the motor mounting plate
front bolts and rear bolt and sliding the plate toward the
fan (to reduce tension) or away from fan (to increase
tension). Ensure the blower shaft and the motor shaft are
parallel to each other (pulleys aligned). Tighten all bolts
when finished.
To replace the belt:
1. Use a belt with same section type or similar size. Do
not substitute a “FHP” type belt. When installing the
new belt, do not use a tool (screwdriver or pry--bar) to
force the belt over t he pulley flanges, this will stress
the belt and cause a reduction in belt life.
2. Loosen the motor mounting plate front bolts and rear
3. Push the motor and its mounting plate towards the
blower housing as close as possible to reduce the cen-
ter distance between fan shaft and motor shaft.
4. Remove the belt by gently lifting the old belt over
one of the pulleys.
5. Install the new belt by gently sli ding the belt over
both pulle ys and then sliding the motor and plate
away from the fan housing until proper tension is
achi eved.
6. Check the alignment of the pulleys, adjust if neces-
7. Tighten all bolts.
8. Check the tension after a few hours of runtime and
re--adjust as required.
Adjustable--Pitch Pulley on
The motor pulley is an adjustable--pitch type that allows a
servicer to implement changes in the fan wheel speed to
match as--installed ductwork systems. The pulley consists
of a fixed flange side that faces the motor (secured to the
motor shaft) and a movable flange side that can be rotated
around the fixed flange side that increases or reduces the
pitch diameter of this driver pulley. (See Fig. 6.)
As the pitch diameter is changed by adjusting the position
of the mova ble flange, the centerline on this pull ey shifts
laterally (along the motor shaft). This creates a
requirement for a realignment of the pulleys after any
adjustment of the movable flange. Also reset the belt
tension after each realignment.
Check the condition of the motor pulley for signs of wear.
Glazing of the belt contact surfaces and erosion on these
surfaces are signs of improper belt tension and/or belt
slippage. Pulley replacement may be necessary.
To change fan speed:
1. Shut off unit power supply.
2. Loosen belt by loosening fan motor mounting nuts.
(See Fig. 5.)
3. Loosen movable pulley fla nge setscrew. (See Fig. 6.)
4. Screw movable flange toward fixed flange to increase
speed and away from fixed flange to decrease speed.
Increasing fan speed increases load on motor. Do not
exceed maximum speed specified.
5. Set movable flange at nearest keyway of pulley hub
and tighten setscrew to torque specifications.
To align fan and motor pulleys:
1. Loosen fan pulley setscrews.
2. Slide fan pulley along fan shaft. Make angular align-
ment by loosening motor from mounting.
3. Tighten fan pulle y setscrews and motor mounting
bolts to torque specifications.
4. Recheck belt te nsion.