Parker Hannifin
72 Aries User Guide
Installation Test
Once you have made the necessary mechanical and electrical connections,
you can test the drive. The Aries Support Tool contains the Auto Run Test
Wizard, which exercises basic functions of the Aries drive.
You must do the following before testing the drive:
• Configure the drive for the motor to which it is connected. Resolve
any configuration errors before proceeding with the test.
• Enable the drive.
• If the Aries drive is connected to a controller, disable the controller’s
servo loop.
• If the motor is connected to a load, disconnect the motor so that it is
free to turn unimpeded.
Safety Warning — High-performance motion control equipment is capable
of producing rapid movement and very high forces. Unexpected motion may
occur especially during the development of controller programs. KEEP WELL
CLEAR of any machinery driven by stepper or servo motors. Never touch
any part of the equipment while it is in operation.
Testing the Aries Drive
If the Aries drive has been installed correctly, the motor will spin at one
revolution per second. If the motor does not spin, a wiring or configuration
error possibly exists.
1. Start the Aries Support Tool.
2. Under Menu, click Operating System Update.
3. Click Auto Run Test Wizard.