Parker Hannifin
128 Aries User Guide
• To reverse the commanded direction of motion, make sure there is
a direct correlation between commanded direction and encoder
direction. You can then issue the CMDDIR command to reverse both
the commanded direction and the encoder direction.
For more information, see CMDDIR.
• The ENCPOL command will not affect the encoder output. If
ENCPOL1 is required on the drive for servo stability, the equivalent
command will also be required on the controller.
Encoder Resolution
Encoder Configuration
Product Rev
Aries 1.0
Rotary motor: i = counts/revolution
Linear motor: i = counts/electrical pitch
32 to 1Ø73741823
4ØØØ (4096 for Resolver option)
See Also
Auto-Setup: When using a Parker motor and the Aries Support Tool, this
command is automatically set for the selected motor.
If you did not use the Aries Support Tool, are using non-Parker motors, or
sent an RFS command to the drive, the parameter is set to zero (0)—you
must manually set this parameter to a non-zero number.
For a list of auto-configured commands, see DMTR.
Use the ERES command to establish the encoder resolution (post
quadrature) in counts/rev or counts/electrical pitch. (To set a linear motor’s
electrical pitch, refer to the DMEPIT command).
The servo system's resolution is determined by the resolution of the encoder
used with the servo motor. The ERES command establishes the number of
counts (post quadrature), per unit of travel. For example, Parker’s SM and
NeoMetric Series motors with the “E” encoder option use 1,000-line
encoders, and therefore have a 4,000 count/rev post-quadrature resolution
(requires ERES4ØØØ). If the encoder is mounted directly to the motor, the
Aries’ resolution (ERES value) must match the encoder's resolution to ensure
that the motor will move according to the programmed distance and velocity.
Resolutions for Parker Encoders
Servo axes
BE Series Servo Motors..........................BExxxxJ-xxxx: ERES8000
................................................................BExxxxL-xxxx: ERES20000
SE, SM, N, or J Series Servo Motors .....SE/SM/N/JxxxxD-xxxx: ERES2000
................................................................SE/SM/N/JxxxxE-xxxx: ERES4000
MPM Series.............................................MPMxxxxxxxxJMxx: ERES4000
................................................................MPMxxxxxxxxJNxx: ERES8000