NEXT UNOCCUPIED DAY — The Next Unoccupied Day
point displays the day of week when the next unoccupied peri-
od will begin. This point is used with the Next Unoccupied
Time so the user will know when the next unoccupied period
will occur. If the controller is following a global schedule this
point will remain at default.
Next Unoccupied
Day: Display Range: MON, TUE, WED,
Default Value: No display (Blank)
Network Access: None
NEXT UNOCCUPIED TIME — The Next Unoccupied Time
point displays the time day when the next unoccupied period
will begin. This point is used with the Next Unoccupied Day
so the user will know when the next unoccupied period will
occur. If the controller is following a global schedule this point
will remain at default.
Next Unoccupied
Time: Display Range: 00:00 to 24:00
Default Value: 00:00
Network Access: None
LAST UNOCCUPIED DAY — The Last Unoccupied Day
point displays the day of week when the controller last changed
from occupied to the Unoccupied mode. This point is used in
conjunction with the Last Unoccupied Time to know the last
time and day when the controller became unoccupied. If the
controller is following a global schedule this point will remain
at default.
Last Unoccupied
Day: Display Range: MON, TUE, WED,
Default Value: No display (Blank)
Network Access: None
LAST UNOCCUPIED TIME — The Last Unoccupied Time
point displays the time of day when the controller last changed
from occupied to the Unoccupied mode. This point is read in
conjunction with the Last Unoccupied Day to know the last
time and day when the controller became unoccupied. If the
controller is following a global schedule this point will remain
at default.
Last Unoccupied
Time Display Range: 00:00 to 24:00
Default Value: 00:00
Network Access: None
Table 16 — Occupancy Maintenance
Maintenance Screen —
The Maintenance Screen is
used to service the PremierLink™ controller. See Table 17.
THERMOSTAT CONTROL — Indicates the result of the
configuration decision to control in the thermostat or sensor
Control: Display Range: No/Yes
Default Value: Yes
Network Access: Read Only
OCCUPIED — The Occupied point indicates whether or not
the controller is operating in the Occupied mode.
Occupied: Display Range: No/Yes
Default Value: No
Network Access: Read/Write
Effect point shows if a timed override is currently in effect.
Timed Override
in Effect: Display Range: No/Yes
Default Value: No
Network Access: Read Only
START BIAS TIME — The Start Bias Time, in minutes, is
calculated during the unoccupied period by the controller as
needed to bring the temperature up or down to the set point un-
der the optimum start routine. The start time bias for heat and
cool are configurable. This value will be reported to the Link-
age Thermostat if it is used. It cannot be used with Global
Start Bias Time: Display Units: minutes
Display Range: 0 to 180
Default Value: 0
Network Access: Read only
HEAT — The Heat point shows if there is a demand for heat in
the space. The space temperature must be below the Occupied
Low or Unoccupied Low set point.
NOTE: When a control mode ends, “NO” mode must be com-
pleted before opposite mode can begin.
Heat: Display Range: No/Yes
Default Value: No
Network Access: None
COOL — The Cool point shows if there is a demand for cool-
ing in the space. The space temperature must be above the Oc-
cupied High or Unoccupied High set point.
NOTE: When a control mode ends, “NO” mode must be com-
pleted before opposite mode can begin.
Cool: Display Range: No/Yes
Default Value: No
Network Access: None
IAQ CONTROL — Indicates weather or not IAQ control is
active in the controller. IAQ control of the minimum damper
position is active whenever the configured parameters for the
IAQ PID calculate a minimum position greater than the config-
ured economizer minimum position.
IAQ Control: Display Range: No/Yes
Default Value: No
Network Access: Read Only
DEMAND LIMIT — Indicates that a command has been
received to limit capacity or reduce capacity of the heating or
Demand Limit: Display Range: No/Yes
Default value: No
Network Access: Read Only
TEMP COMPENSATED START — Indicates that the con-
troller has started the equipment prior to occupancy in order to
be at the occupied set points at the start of occupancy.
Start: Display Range: No/Yes
Default Value: No
Network Access: Read Only
Mode 0 MODE
Current Occupied Period 0 PERIOD
Override in Progress No OVERLAST
Override Duration 0 min OVERDURA
Occupied Start Time 00:00 OCCSTART
Unoccupied Start Time 00:00 UNSTART
Next Occupied Day NXTOCCD
Next Occupied Time 00:00 NXTOCCT
Next Unoccupied Day NXTUNOD
Next Unoccupied Time 00:00 NXTUNOT
Last Unoccupied Day PRVUNOD
Last Unoccupied Time 00:00 PRVUNOT