3. The operations necessary to park the cartridge accessor and remove its power
are performed (see “Auto Mode to Pause Mode (No Error)” on page 69).
4. The library completes the change to Manual mode (see “Pause Mode to Manual
Mode” on page 70).
5. An attention message is sent to all attached hosts indicating that the state of the
library changed.
Manual Mode to Auto Mode
When an operator wants to select Auto mode while the 3494 is in Manual mode,
the operator must use the library manager. The library performs the operations to
move to Pause mode and then move to Auto mode. All pop-up windows indicate
that the 3494 is in Auto Pending as it is moving through Pause mode. In addition,
an attention message is only sent when Auto mode is entered, not for the
intermediate Pause mode. During the change from Manual to Auto mode, the
following steps are performed:
1. The System Summary window indicates that the operational mode is Auto
2. The 3494 completes the change to Pause mode as described in “Manual Mode
to Pause Mode” on page 70.
3. The library completes the change to Auto mode as described in “Pause Mode to
Auto Mode” on page 68.
4. An attention message is sent to all attached hosts indicating that the state of the
library changed.
Initialization State to Auto, Pause, or Manual Mode
During the initialization-complete state, the library manager determines which
operational mode to enter. The determination is made by examining the database
and the state of the cartridge accessor power. When the determination is made, the
change to the selected mode occurs. The steps taken during the transition are the
same as an operator request when the library is in Pause mode and Offline state.
Auto Mode to Pause Mode (Forced)
If a severe error or condition is detected, and the error or condition is such that it is
not possible to continue automated operation, the library is forced into Pause mode.
Power is immediately removed from the cartridge accessor and any operations in
progress are stopped. When the library manager enters Pause mode, it sends an
attention message to all attached hosts indicating that the state of the library
changed. The state-change message and an associated unsolicited unit check
indicates the error recovery action (ERA).
The Pause Mode pop-up window directs the operator to open the library. In most
cases, the cartridge accessor cannot be parked.
Operational State Transitions
The tape library is only in one operational state at any time.
Chapter 4. Operational Modes and States, and Informational States 71