Using the Queues Pull-Down
The Queues pull-down (see Figure 80) allows the operator to display the various
types of requests that are in progress or waiting to be performed.
Select any item from this pull-down to display a moveable, sizeable, scrollable
window containing the requested information. In each case, the window has an
action-bar option to update the information in the window.
The Queues pull-down selections are as follows:
Whole queue
Displays all the requests in the request queue.
Mount queue
Displays all the mount operations in the request queue.
Demount queue
Displays all the demount operations in the request queue.
Eject queue
Displays all the eject operations in the request queue.
Insert queue
Displays all the insert operations in the request queue.
Audit queue
Displays all the audit operations in the request queue.
Clean queue
Displays all the clean operations in the request queue.
The queue windows, for example, Mount Queue (see Figure 81 on page 138),
contain the following information for each operation in the queue:
Figure 80. Queues Pull-Down Menu
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures 137