Stacked Volume Map
The Stacked Volume Map pop-up window allows you to obtain a map of logical
volumes that reside on a stacked volume. This function is only available if a VTS is
installed in the library. See Figure 87 for a sample window.
Insert a blank, formatted diskette in drive A. The search will not proceed unless a
diskette is in the drive.
Enter the stacked volume’s Volser in the edit field then select the “Get map” button.
A message “Search in progress” is displayed while the search is occurring. The
appropriate VTS is interrogated for the map of the stacked volume.
The logical volumes are retrieved 100 at a time from the appropriate VTS. A
message is displayed when the complete map is received successfully.
The stacked volume map will be stored on the A: diskette in a file named
STxxxxxx.MAP where xxxxxx is the stacked volume VOLID.
Messages describing why the search failed are displayed if the search is not
The output file is in the following format:
Version: 00001
Time and Date of Map: 13:40:24 04/24/1998
Library Sequence Number: 12345
Customer ID: IBM Global Services
Stacked Volser: BAR010
Number of Logicals: 120
Figure 87. Stacked Volume Map Pop-Up Window
150 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide