minutes. The standby library manager is the active library manager when its
System Status displays Auto/Online mode.
2. Contact the service representative to repair the failed library manager.
The failed library manager may recover from the failure and become available
as the standby library manager after the database is synchronized.
3. If the failure occurred while inserting cartridges into the high-capacity I/O facility,
do not remove the cartridges. Leave the cartridges in place and the operation
will restart automatically. Cartridges inserted in the Convenience I/O station that
remain in the station will need to be removed from the station and then
re-inserted after the library manager re-initializes.
4. Continue with “BTLS Host Action”.
BTLS Host Action
When the library manager is in the Auto/Online Mode, do the following BTLS host
1. Display the unit status by issuing the following command for each tape drive in
the library:
D U,,, xxx
2. Redrive the mount for each tape drive showing MTP (mount pending) by issuing
either of the following commands:
v From TSO terminals, issue the TSO library mount command.
v Submit JCL to perform a library mount. See
Basic Tape Library Support
User’s Guide and Reference
for commands.
3. Submit tape jobs.
4. Resubmit any tape jobs that abended.
This process completes the MVS/BTLS recovery procedure.
DFSMS System Managed Tape Messages
When a failure or exception condition is reported to a host system operating under
the DFSMS System Managed Tape environment, the following messages are
generated. For each message, a brief description about the cause of the condition
is described along with appropriate recovery actions.
Also refer to
MVS/ESA System Messages, Volume 2, GC28-1481
for additional
CBRxxxx messages generated as a result of error or exception conditions detected
with the DFSMS System Managed Tape environment software.
In the messages,
is the name defined by the installation for a
particular library.
2. Where xxx is the device address.
268 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide