Using automatic cartridge loader mode
Although the tape drives in the 3494 do not have automatic cartridge
loaders, the 3494 allows for automatic mounting of the next cartridge, of a
predefined sequential set, in a specified library tape drive. The 3494
supports the assignment of cartridges to a special category, the assignment
of a specified drive for restricted use with the special category, and the
ending of the restricted usage of a tape drive.
Mounting transient tape cartridges
Note: The Convenience Input⁄Output Station feature must be installed to
take advantage of this function.
The 3494 Mount from Input Station function supports special usage of the
Convenience Input⁄Output Station for the use of transient tape cartridges
that are not part of the 3494 inventory. In this special-use mode, tape
cartridges in the Convenience Input⁄Output Station are sequentially
mounted, used (read or written), demounted, and returned to the
Convenience Input⁄Output Station. This function is available as a selection
from the Commands pull-down.
See “Stand-Alone Device” on page 180 for more information on stand-alone
Initial Cartridge Installation
Physical cartridges may be loaded into the library after the hardware installation is
complete. The loading of physical cartridges can take place prior to the teach
operation and the inventory operation. Logical volumes can be inserted after a
teach. The following types of cartridges may be loaded:
Customer volumes
Customer volumes are the initial set of data and scratch volumes to be
automated. Any number of cartridges may be added to the library up to the
maximum available cartridge storage cells in the library.
Cleaner volumes
One cleaner volume should be installed in the library for each frame that
contains a tape subsystem. The cleaner cartridge type (3490E/3590)
depends on whether the tape subsystem uses 3490 or 3590 media. The
cleaner cartridges may be place in any available cell.
Note: The external volser must match the mask value that is provided, or
the inventory operation will treat the cleaner cartridge as a normal
customer volume.
Service volume
One or two service volumes are installed in the library by the service
representative depending on the library configuration.
Logical Volumes
If a Virtual Tape Server (VTS) is installed, logical volumes are inserted into
the library using the “Insert Logical Volumes” panel. Refer to Figure 95 on
page 164.
58 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide