subsystems are represented by a figure that looks similar to a 16 drive
3490E tape subsystem. Each subsystem is presented separately in the
window. The drive availability is shown by 1, 0,–––,where 1 indicates
available, 0 indicates not available, and–––indicates not installed.
The Component Availability Status window has the following pull-down available
from its action bar:
Help Provides help about the Component Availability Status window.
To close the window, select Close from the system menu icon (upper-left
corner of the window).
VTS Status
Figure 67 shows the VTS Status window.
This panel displays information about the status of each VTS installed in the library.
This window includes the following information for each installed VTS:
Library Sequence Number
Displays the library sequence number of this VTS. If the VTS has the SCSI
Host Attachment Feature, then ’(SCSI)’ will be displayed following the
Library Sequence Number.
VTS Attachment Type
There are 2 types of VTS connection to the Library Manager: ARTIC or
Physical/Virtual Device Frame
The physical device frame is the number of the frame that contains the
physical devices used by this VTS. The virtual device frame is the number
of the frame that contains the VTS processor. For an ARTIC-attached VTS
Figure 67. VTS Status Pop-Up Window
118 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide