Table 7. Operator Intervention Messages and Parameters (OPINT TRAP Type) (continued)
Actual Library Manager OPINT Trap
126 Device — — VTS requested that device [A] be made
unavailable but a mount/demount is in
UNSOL Library Manager SNMP Traps
This section discusses the format of the Library Manager UNSOL messages. Unlike
the Library Manager OPINT SNMP traps, the UNSOL SNMP trap messages are all
different, and require special programming to handle them.
There are seven supported Library Manager UNSOL SNMP trap messages:
1. X10 - Category State Change
2. X11 - Library Manager Operator Message
3. X12 - Library I/O Station State Change
4. X13 - Operational State Change
5. X14 - Volume Exception
6. X15 - Device Availability Changed
7. X16 - Device Category Change Notification
Note: X represents the hexadecimal value.
Category State Change SNMP Trap
This message indicates that the Library Manager has added one or more cartridges
into the insert category. The format for the Category State Change Library Manager
SNMP Trap message is:
3494 [Library Sequence Number] UNSOL 10 [Parameter A]
*Volumes added to category: [Parameter A]
Parameter A
This parameter will be the category in which volumes are added.
Library Sequence Number
This will be the unique Library Sequence Number of the library generating
the SNMP trap message.
Library Manager Operator Message SNMP Traps
The content is a message from the Library Manager operator console to all hosts
connected to the 3494 Tape Dataserver. The basic format is:
3494 [Library Sequence Number] UNSOL 11 *{Message from operator }
Library Sequence Number
Unique Library Sequence Number of the 3494 Tape Dataserver that
generated the SNMP trap message.
Message from operator
This is the string that the operator on the Library Manager typed in.
3494 C2444 UNSOL 11 *The 3494 Tape Dataserver is being taken offline.
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures 221