While waiting up to 20 minutes for the library manager to initialize and enter the
Auto/Online mode, go to“Library Manager Action – The Library Manager
Recovers (MVS/BLTS Environment)”.
Dual Library Manager Configuration:
For a dual library manager configuration
no library manager corrective action is needed. The standby library manager
automatically begins switching control from the active library manager which will
take approximately 10 minutes to complete. See Figure 168.
If the active library manager is not responding and the standby library manager
does not indicate it is switching to active after 5 minutes (see Figure 167 on
page 264), perform the above steps for a single library manager on the one that
While waiting for the library manager to initialize and go to AUTO/ONLINE mode, go
to “Library Manager Action – The Library Manager Recovers (MVS/BLTS
Library Manager Action – The Library Manager Recovers
(MVS/BLTS Environment)
Single Library Manager Configuration:
For a single library manager, do the
1. Wait for the library manager to be reinitialized and enter Auto/Online mode. This
may take up to 20 minutes to reinitialize.
2. If the failure occurred while inserting cartridges into the high-capacity I/O facility,
do not remove the cartridges. Leave the cartridges in place and the operation
will restart automatically. Cartridges inserted in the Convenience I/O station that
remain in the station will need to be removed from the station and then
re-inserted after the library manager re-initializes.
3. If the library manager reflects Auto/Online status, it has recovered. Contact the
service representative for a recoverable library manager error. Continue with
“BTLS Host Action” on page 268.
4. If the library manager does not reflect Auto/Online status and more than 30
minutes has elapsed since the re-initialization began, then contact the service
representative for a non-recoverable library manager error.
5. When the repair action is completed and the library is available to be varied
online, continue with “BTLS Host Action” on page 268.
Dual Library Manager Configuration:
For a dual library manager, do the
1. Wait until the switch over completes and the standby library manager has
become the active library manager. The switch over takes approximately 10
Figure 168. Library Manager Switching Window
Chapter 8. Problem Determination Procedures 267