2. If not previously in the Intervention Required state, places the library in that
state and notifies all attached hosts of the state change. The System Summary
window is updated to indicate intervention is required.
The notification that the library is in the Intervention Required state will generate
the following console message for libraries managed under DFSMS/MVS
System Managed Tape environment: CBR3762E, Library
intervention required
The message will stay on the console as long as the library is in the intervention
required state.
3. If “Send Interventions to Host Consoles” is enabled on the Operator Intervention
screen (under the Commands Menu), a broadcast message of the operator
intervention text will be sent to all attached hosts.
For Libraries managed under DFSMS/MVS system managed tape environment,
this will result in the following message being displayed at the host console:
CBR3750I Message from Library
. Intervention text will
be truncated at 70 characters. See Table 7 on page 216 for complete text string
based on intervention number.
For other operating systems, consult the associated supporting software
publications to determine operator notification methods.
To determine the cause of an intervention required condition and the steps required
for its resolution, the operator selects the Operator Intervention item from the
Commands pull-down menu on the library manager console. Each condition is
listed separately and also indicates the date and time that the condition occurred.
The operator intervention conditions are described in the following set of tables.
Similar conditions are grouped together in each table to make it easier to find a
specific condition. The following table provides a summary of the grouped
Quick Reference Table to Intervention Required Conditions
Table 15. Quick Reference to Intervention Required Conditions
Condition Type Table Location
Conditions relating to tape devices in the library Table 16 on page 284
Conditions relating to other library components Table 17 on page 285
Conditions relating to input/output stations or facilities Table 18 on page 286
Conditions relating to external cartridge labels Table 19 on page 288
Conditions relating to data cartridges Table 20 on page 292
Conditions relating to cleaner cartridges Table 21 on page 293
Conditions relating to a Virtual Tape Server in the library Table 22 on page 295
Chapter 8. Problem Determination Procedures 283