Perform Inventory Update (Partial)
Only those frames associated with doors that have been opened will be inventoried.
If adjacent frame update was enabled during teach, the frames to either side will
also be inventoried. If dual active accessors is installed, both accessors are used if
racks on both sides of the library are being inventoried; otherwise only one
accessor is used.
The panel in Figure 113 is used to select which frames should be scanned during
the inventory update operation.
1. A checked checkbox indicates that a frame’s door has been opened since the
last inventory.
2. An unchecked box indicates that a frame’s door has not been opened since the
last inventory.
3. The partial inventory update operation will inventory the frames whose checkbox
is checked.
4. Check or uncheck the checkboxes to reflect which frames you want inventoried
then press the Perform inventory update... button.
5. Mounts and demounts are allowed during an inventory update, for cartridges
that are in a rack which has already been inventoried or is not involved in the
inventory update. However, performing mounts and demounts during an
inventory update does affect the duration of the inventory update operation.
This panel’s pushbuttons are:
Perform inventory update
Begin the inventory update operation on the selected frames.
Cancel the frame selection.
Help Display this help panel.
Figure 113. Perform Inventory Update (Partial) Window
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures 179