Table 42. Status Codes and Status Text (continued)
Operation Status Resolution Actions
Status Code
Status Text
Logical volume left in Insert category
Probable Cause
The Import operation was canceled from the
Library Manager console and there is no host
attached to the VTS that can process logical
volumes assigned to the Insert category, or the
Import operation was terminated because the
host had been inactive for 60 continuous
minutes while processing volumes assigned to
the Insert category.
None required.
Status Code
Status Text
List File Record Incorrect Length, record
Probable Cause
The List File record is not 80 characters.
1. Examine the first thirteen bytes of the status record.
They contain the input from the list file decimal record
number NNNNN as read.
2. Correct the input record and retry the operation.
Status Code
Status Text
Import Option Invalid, record NNNNN
Probable Cause
The Import Option field of the record NNNNN
was not all blanks, SCRATCH or INITIALIZE.
1. Examine the first thirteen bytes of the status record.
They contain the input from the list file decimal record
number NNNNN as read.
2. Correct the input record and retry the operation.
Status Code
Status Text
Terminated, fewer than four drives available
Probable Cause
The volume could not be exported or imported
because the operation was terminated when
fewer than four 3590 drives became available to
the VTS.
Call an IBM Service Representative.
Status Code
Status Text
Volume is not a logical volume
Probable Cause
The Library Manager detected that the volume in
the Export List is not a logical volume.
1. Examine the first thirteen bytes of the status record.
They contain the input from the list file decimal record
number NNNNN as read.
2. Correct the input record and retry the operation.
324 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide