Ending Manual Mode
To end the Manual mode, do the following steps:
1. Leave cartridges in the drives. They will be automatically moved by the library
when it returns to Auto mode.
2. Close the front doors on the library.
3. Make sure any mounts that were started have been removed from the manual
mode display.
4. Press the Ctrl key and the Esc key at the same time to produce the task list.
5. Select the Library Manager selection on the task list with the pointing device.
6. Select Mode from the action bar on the Operator Menu.
7. Verify that the library is Online. If the library is Offline, choose Online and
confirm the selection.
8. Enable Inventory Update if it is disabled so that the Inventory Update can
re-establish current location on all volsers.
9. Select Auto from the Mode pull-down. The mode change request pop-up
window is displayed to ask if you want to change the operating mode. Select
yes to change to Auto mode.
An Auto Pending message indicates the transition to Auto mode is in progress.
The 3494 returns to Auto mode after Manual mode.
When the transition to Auto mode is made, an inventory update is performed.
The inventory update must complete before the Auto activity resumes.
Locate Cartridge Home
Complete the cartridge volser and press the Enter key.
Cartridge volser...MRB234
| The home cell for the specified cartridge is displayed below. |
| If you put the cartridge in this home cell or verify that it |
| is already there, press the Enter key. Otherwise, press the |
| Cancel key (F12). |
| Home Cell . . . Rack 1 A 11 |
| F1=Help F12=Cancel |
F1=Help F3=HideScreen F12=Cancel
Figure 148. Manual Mode Locate Cartridge Home Screen
238 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide