can be configured as High-Capacity Input/Output. An SU, or B16, configured as
High-Capacity I/O can contain 100 (upper half) or 200 (whole wall) cells. A DU
configured as High-Capacity I/O contains from 50 (six 3590 drives) to 135 (two
3590 drives) and uses all available cells in the wall. Only a single wall can be
configured at any time (single High-Capacity input/output facility).
Single-Cell Output Facility
If a Convenience Input⁄Output Station is not installed and a high-capacity output
facility or high-capacity input/output facility is not defined, a single cell in the door of
the control unit frame is provided for output. The location of the single cell 1 as
shown in Figure 14 is defined as 2 A 1. If the optional dual gripper feature is
installed, the single cell location is 2 A 3. Any empty and unassigned cell can be
used for input operations. See “Removing an Ejected Cartridge from the Single-Cell
Output Facility” on page 81 for operating instructions.
Convenience Input⁄Output Station Feature
If the Convenience Input⁄Output Station feature is installed, you can add or remove
from ten to 30 cartridges from the library without interrupting the normal operations
of the library. See “Using the Convenience Input⁄Output Station Feature to Insert
Cartridges” on page 78 and “Removing Ejected Cartridges from the Convenience
Input⁄Output Station Feature” on page 82 for the operating instructions for this
Figure 14. Control Unit Frame Cartridge Storage Cells
Chapter 1. Introduction 17