Appendix B. Virtual Tape Server Import/Export Advanced
Import and Export List Volumes Format
Lists of volumes for Export or Import are provided to a Virtual Tape Server on
logical volumes called the Export List Volume or the Import List Volume, which are
resident in the VTS. The following figures define the requirements of the format for
the Export List Volume and Import List Volume. There are fields, records or files of
the two formats which are similar; therefore, only one figure for these similar areas
is shown. For example, the Import List Volume figures refer to a HDR1 figure which
is in the Export List Volume section.
Sample JCL for preparing the Export List Volume and Import List Volume is
available in the
Object Access Method Planning, Installation, and Storage
Administration Guide for Tape Libraries
, SC26-3051, and also in the Redbook
Enhanced IBM Magstar Virtual Tape Server: Implementation Guide
, SG24-2229.
The Export List Volume is an IBM Standard Labeled tape volume which is selected
from the logical volumes in the VTS. Three files are written to the volume. The first
file contains logical volume - destination pair records and is called the Export List
file. The second file has a minimum of one record and is reserved for future use.
The third file is the Export Status file and is initially written by the host without any
data records. Upon the completion of the Export operation, the VTS will write status
file records for each of the logical volumes listed in the Export List file indicating the
processing results.
The Import List Volume is an IBM Standard Labeled tape volume which is selected
from the logical volumes in the VTS. Two files are written to the volume. The first
file contains records specifying the Exported Stacked Volumes and logical volume
to Import or to Import all logical volumes. The second file is the Import Status file
and is initially written by the host without any data records. Upon the completion of
the Import operation, the VTS will write status file records indicating the results for
each of the logical volumes listed specifically and the logical volumes contained on
an Exported Stacked Volume listed when all logical volumes were to be imported.
Export List Volume
Due to the size of a monolithic, detailed format description for the export list
volume, the format is described in hierarchical form in the tables below. Start with
Table 23 on page 308, then proceed as directed to the portion(s) of interest.
All character fields within the volume are in EBCDIC. Field contents specified in
quotes are EBCDIC characters. The volume must be written with compaction turned
No space is reserved in the records of the list and status files. Expansion for later
versions can be accomplished by redefining the file identifier records and data
records for the files. Such changes would be reflected in the Record Length entry in
the HDR2 and EOF2 records.
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