5. Press the Enter key. A pop-up screen is displayed with the Home Cell rack
storage location for the inserted cartridge. See Figure 145.
6. Place the cartridge in the designated rack storage cell.
Note: If the cartridge cannot be put in the specified storage cell, press the Error
key (F4) to request a new storage cell location.
7. Press the Enter key to confirm that the insert action is complete. The Insert
Cartridges screen is displayed again.
8. If you have another cartridge to insert, repeat steps 2 on page 233 through 7 on
page 234 for the next cartridge. If there are no more cartridges to insert, press
the Cancel key (F12) to return to the Action List screen.
The function keys for the pop-up window are:
F1 Display help information about this pop-up window.
F4 Specify another home cell location because the cartridge cannot be inserted
in the specified location.
F12 Close the pop-up window and return to the Insert Cartridges screen.
Enter Send confirmation to the host program that verifies that the cartridge is
inserted in the specified location. Also, display the Insert Cartridges screen
for the next insert.
Note: When you return to the Manual Mode Action List, Figure 143 on page 230
and if you’ve inserted J-type media in an Import/Export capable Library, the
Manage Unassigned Volumes panel will automatically be presented. The
Manage Unassigned Volumes panel is shown in Figure 129 on page 202.
Ejecting Cartridges
Use the following procedure to remove a cartridge from the 3494:
1. From the Action List screen, determine the drive (device) or storage cell From
location containing the cartridge to be ejected. See Figure 143 on page 230.
Insert Cartridges
Complete the cartridge information, then press the Enter key.
Volser of Cartridge. . . WCC001
Cartridge type . . . . . _1. Cartridge System Tape
_E. Enhanced Capacity Cartridge System Tape
_J. High Performance Cartridge Tape
| Put the cartridge in the indicated home cell, press the Enter key. |
| If you cannot use the home cell, press the Error key (F4) to have a |
| different cell specified. |
| |
| Home Cell...Rack1B10 |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F4=Error F12=Cancel |
F1=Help F3=HideScreen F12=Cancel
Figure 145. Manual Mode Insert Cartridges Pop-Up Window
234 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide