Table 42. Status Codes and Status Text (continued)
Operation Status Resolution Actions
Status Code
Status Text
Invalid container volume
Probable Cause
For Export, a cancel issued by an operator from
the Library Manager console or a termination
due to host inactivity may have resulted in a
’container volume’ being shown in the tape
management system database for logical
volumes which have not been exported from the
For each logical volume having this Status Code, the
tape management system database must be searched
and corrected if a ’container volume’ is shown.
For DFSMSrmm, the following steps may be taken:
1. Using the volser of the first volume in the Status File
with Status Code X'32', perform a RMM
LISTVOLUME and determine if a container volume is
shown. If none is found, proceed with RMM
LISTVOLUME for all volumes with Status Code X'32'
until a container is identified.
2. If RMM LISTVOLUME has been performed for all
logical volumes with Status Code X'32' and a
container volume has not been found, then further
action is not necessary.
3. For those logical volumes with Status Code X'32'
which are found to have a container volume, it is
necessary to change the container volume to
4. Using the volser identified as the container volume,
search for volumes associated with the container
volume and build RMM CHANGEVOLUME
commands for each volume. Use the command:
5. Run the CLIST created in step 4 to perform the
change to a blank container volume for all volumes
found with the identified container volume.
Alternatively, each logical volume with Status Code X'32'
which has a container volume may be changed to a blank
container without building a CLIST. After using RMM
LISTVOLUME to find logical volumes with a container
volume, user the command:
Note: Tape management systems other than
DFSMSrmm must facilitate a function to search and
change the container volume field to blanks for logical
volumes with a Status Code X'32' in the Status File upon
completion of the Export operation.
Import and Export Messages from Library
During processing of an Export or Import operation, the VTS subsystem generates
status messages that indicate the progress of the operation. The message is
broadcast to all hosts attached to the VTS subsystem. On MVS hosts, the message
results in a console message being written in the following format:
CBR3750I MESSAGE FROM LIBRARY <library-name>: 70 EBCDIC character message
The 70 character message contains the status message as defined below:
Bytes 0–4
Unique Message Code The unique message code is further defined as a
326 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide