Sending TESTM Messages
Once SNMP has been configured, send an SNMP trap to ensure that SNMP is
configured correctly. The TESTM trap allows a test message to be sent to the
monitor stations which have been set up to receive the SNMP trap messages.
To send a TESTM SNMP trap, select Send TESTM Trap from the SNMP Options
menu. Selecting this menu item creates a dialog box, which allows entry of a string
to send to all the monitor stations for which the Library Manager is configured (See
Figure 138 ).
Most problems sending SNMP messages are related to network configuration. If the
monitor station does not receive the trap, check the SNMPD window located on the
Library Manager to see if the SNMPD trap message was sent. If the daemon shows
the message, make sure that the network path is correct to the monitor station.
Trouble Shooting
Most problems encountered will be related to the site network or software. The
following is a list of things to check on the Library Manager to ensure SNMP is
working correctly.
1. Make sure that the SNMPD process is running.
2. Make sure that the monitor station can be “pinged” from a Service Window. If
the monitor station cannot be pinged, then there is a network configuration
problem which must be corrected. The SNMP trap will never get to the
monitoring station unless the network configuration problem is corrected.
3. Generate a TESTM trap message, and check the SNMPD window to see if it
was sent. To do this, use Ctrl + Esc to bring up the Window List, and use the
mouse or arrow keys to highlight the SNMPD process. You should see the
TESTM trap message in the window. If there are any errors, then the daemon is
not being started correctly.
Receiving SNMPD Traps on the Monitor Station
All the Library Manager trap types follow a very similar format. Each Library
Manager SNMP trap message generated has the same beginning format. This
helps the programmer on the monitor station handle the different Library Manager
SNMP trap message types.
Each field in the Library Manager SNMP trap message is space delimited. This
allows the programmer to tokenize the incoming Library Manager SNMP trap
Figure 138. TESTM SNMP Trap Message Pop-Up Window
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures 213