To query the number of volsers in a range, highlight the range in the list box and
select the Total volsers in range button.
This panel has the following controls:
Range 1 and 2 entry fields
The volser entry fields can contain up to six alphanumeric characters. The 2
volsers must be entered in the same format. Corresponding characters in
each volser must both be either alphabetic or both be numeric. For
example, AAA998 and AAB004 are of the same form, whereas AA9998 and
AAB004 are not.
The volsers that fall within a range are determined as follows. The volser
range is incremented where alphabetic characters are incremented
alphabetically and numeric characters are incremented numerically. For
example, volser range ABC000 through ABD999 would result in a range of
2000 volsers (ABC000 - ABC999 and ABD000 - ABD999).
Media type list box
A selectable list of media types. Highlight the desired media type for the
Volser ranges list box
A scrollable list of the volser ranges. Highlighting a range causes the
volsers and media type to appear in the entry fields and the media type list
box. Highlight a range before selecting the Delete range button.
The following are the push-buttons:
Add/Modify range
Add or modify a range. The volsers entered and media type selected are
Figure 94. Volser Ranges Pop-Up Window
162 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide