Table 12. DFSMS Messages Based on Library Failure or Exception Conditions (continued)
Resulting Console Message Action
CBR3726I Function incompatible error code
from library
for volume
A request for a library operation with volume
cannot be processed by the library because the request
is incompatible with the configuration or set of installed
features of the library.
, an attempt was made to eject a logical
volume from a Virtual Tape Server.
error code
= 7 or 8, a command for an Import or Export
was issued to a VTS partition that is not capable of
It is also possible that the microcode in the library and
the software are not at the correct level.
Contact your system administrator.
CBR3727I Control Unit and Library Manager
incompatible in library
, error code
During processing of a library request in library
, it was determined that the tape control unit
and the library manager are at incompatible software
levels. Error code
indicates the nature of the
1. If another tape subsystem is in the library, vary the
drives associated with the failed subsystem offline
and resubmit the request or job.
2. Contact your service representative.
CBR3728I Volume
in use in library
{Already mounted|Mount pending|Eject in
progress|Eject pending|Export in progress}.
A request for a library operation with volume
cannot be processed by the library because the volume is
already in use in the library. One of the following
situations is present:
v The volume is already mounted on another drive.
v A mount request for the volume is pending.
v The volume is currently being ejected from the library.
v An eject request is pending.
v The volume is being exported.
1. Determine why the volume is already in use.
2. Resubmit the library request when the volume is no
longer in use.
CBR3729I Library Manager for library
A library request was issued to Library
, but
the library manager is offline. Possible causes are:
v The library manager is powered off.
v The library manager is still in the process of
v The library manager mode is set to offline.
1. Check that the library manager is powered on and
operator menu is active.
2. Check the Library manager field of the System
Summary window. It should indicate Online.
3. If it does not indicate Online, use the Mode pull-down
and place the library in the Online state. If the library
will not go to the online state, call your service
4. Vary the library online at the host console.
5. Resubmit the request or job.
270 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide