86 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
Figure 3.8.8A—Orienting hearing aid for maximum output
Telewand Setup
Follow these instructions for setting up the hearing aid and the FP35 analyzer
for telecoil measurements using the Telewand.
1. Plug the Telewand into the earphone jack or the speaker jack (new style rear
panel only) on the back of the FP35 analyzer.
2. Attach the hearing aid to a coupler in the usual way and set the hearing aid
to telecoil mode.
3. Make sure the source box below the measurement graph in the Coupler
Multicurve screen is showing TMFS. This is the proper strength setting for
using the Telewand.
4. Use [F4] to choose COMP, DIG SPCH, or FAST for the signal type.
5. Press [START/STOP] to begin the measurement. This will show the output
of the telecoil response.
6. Hold the Telewand next to the hearing aid as if you were holding a tele-
phone receiver to the hearing aid worn on the ear. That is, hold the
Telewand parallel to the body of a BTE or next to the faceplate of an ITE.
7. Position the hearing aid for maximum output. This will normally be when
the hearing aid is oriented vertically. See Figure 3.8.7B.
8. Test as desired. Make sure not to change the strength of the magnetic field
from the TMFS setting.