17 6 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
FIT TYPE—Type of fitting. Choose BILATERAL or UNILATERAL. This is only
available with a fitting rule selection of NAL-NL1.TUBING. Note: If you select
BILATERAL, you must enter the audiogram for both ears in the Audiogram Entry
AID TYPE—Style of hearing aid. Choose from BTE, ITE, ITC, and CIC.
VENT—Type of venting on the hearing aid. Choose from OPEN, TIGHT, NO
VENT, 1 mm, 2 mm, and 3 mm. This selection is only available with a fitting
rule selection of NAL-NL1.
TUBING—Type of tubing on the BTE hearing aid. Choose from LIBBY 4, LIBBY
3, CFA #2 HORN, CFA #2 BORE, #13, 6C5, and 6C10. This selection is only
available with a fitting rule selection of NAL-NL1 and an AID TYPE of BTE.
Main Menu
Press [MENU] from the Coupler Target or Coupler EarSim screen to reach the
main menu.
EAR—Ear assigned to the hearing aid. Choose LEFT or RIGHT.
DISPLAY—The type of display used in the Coupler Multicurve and Coupler
Target screens. Choose between GAIN and SPL.
DATA/GRAPH—The type of display. Choose between a graphical display and a
numerical display.
COUPLER TYPE—This setting will only be displayed if you have purchased
either the CIC or the OES options. It turns on the software correction factors
used with special couplers. If you have purchased the CIC Option, a coupler
type of CIC will be possible here. If you have purchased the OES Option, a cou-
pler type of MZ will be possible here. Also available: 2-cc. (Correction factors
are not used with this selection.)
AID GROUP—The type of hearing aid being tested. Select STANDARD, AGC,
or ADAPTIVE (for adaptive AGC circuits). This selection sets the various delay
times used in pure-tone tests so that they are appropriate to the aid’s circuitry.
See Section 2.4 for more information on delay times.
DISTORTION—Type of harmonic distortion measurement during a pure-tone
sweep. See Section for more information.
NOISE RED (COMP)—Amount of noise reduction used for composite curve
measurements. See Section for more information.
NOISE RED (TONE)—Amount of noise reduction used for pure-tone sweeps.
See Section for more information.
REF MIC—Status of reference microphone. See Section 3.8.3 for more informa-