Chapter 5 111
Real-Ear Measurements
5.1 Introduction
When the Real-Ear Option is ordered with your FP35 analyzer, you can test
the hearing aid inside the patient’s ear using the probe microphone. When per-
formed correctly, this is the most accurate test available of the hearing aid’s per-
formance because it is measured using the patient’s own ear canal resonance.
In the real-ear measurement screens, you can input an audiogram, generate a
target, and take insertion gain and SPL measurements.
5.1.1 Real-Ear Screens
There are four different real-ear screens on the FP35 analyzer. One of these
screens is for creating a real-ear target: the Audiogram Entry Screen. The other
three screens are for performing real-ear measurements: the Unaided & Aided,
Insertion Gain, and SPL Screen—the insertion-gain technique for fitting hearing
aids has been separated into two separate screens to make it easy to distinguish
between gain curves and insertion gain curves.
Audiogram Entry—Enter your audiograms, choose your fitting rule, perform
RECD and REDD measurements, and generate a target in this screen.
Real-Ear SPL—View thresholds, UCLs, targets, and aided measurements in real-
ear SPL on one screen. This gives you a complete picture of the client’s hearing
range and where the aided responses are falling in that range.
Real-Ear Unaided & Aided—Measure and display your client’s unaided and
aided measurements. You can run up to three separate aided curves and display
them all on the same screen.
Insertion Gain—Measure and view your client’s unaided and insertion gain
measurements. Up to three insertion gain measurements can be displayed at one
5.1.2 Navigation
To enter the Real-Ear Mode, press [F2] from the Opening Screen of the FP35.
This will open one of the Real-Ear Screens. To navigate through the four screens
of the Real-Ear Mode, press the [NEXT] and [BACK] keys. Continuously pressing
one of these keys will cycle you through the four choices, eventually bringing
you back to screen where you started. See Figure 5.1.2.
To leave the Real-Ear Mode, press [EXIT] at any time.