Real-Ear Measurements 121
of the hearing aid, and the type of limiting the aid has. The steps to creating an
NAL-NL1 target are very similar to creating a DSL or a linear target – NAL-NL1
just requires a few more menu selections.
To create an NAL-NL1 target:
1. Press [MENU] in the Audiogram Entry screen and use the arrow keys to
select the following:
• EAR:Currentear
• ASSESSMENT:Typeoftransducerusedincreatingtheaudiogram
2. Press [BACK] to enter the Target menu. Use the arrow keys to select the fol-
• AGE:Ageoftheclient
• COMPRESSION:Thefirstcompressionkneepointofthehearingaid.
• CHANNELS:Thenumberofchannelsofthehearingaid.
• AIDLIMITING:Thetypeofoutputlimitingonthehearingaid.
• FITTYPE:Unilateralorbilateral
• REFERENCE:Levelingreference.Iflevelingisperformedwiththepatient
in the sound field, set this to HEAD SURFACE (recommended). If leveling
is performed by holding the reference microphone in front of the speaker,
set this to UNDISTURBED.
3. Press [EXIT] to return to the Audiogram Entry screen.
4. Press [F2] until HTL is selected. A small arrow cursor will appear next to a
frequency in the HTL column of the data entry box.
5. Use the [
∨, ∧] keys to move the cursor through the frequencies. Use the
[<, >] keys to enter the client’s threshold levels in dB HL at each frequency.
6. (Optional) Press [F2] and select BONE in order to enter the client’s bone
conduction thresholds. Use the arrow keys to enter the bone values in the
same manner as you entered the HTL values.
7. (Optional) Press [F2] to select UCL, and use the arrow keys to enter the cli-
ent’s UCL values in the same manner as you entered the HTL values.
8. (Optional) If you selected a FIT TYPE of “bilateral” in Step 1, you need to
enter audiometric data from both ears to generate a target.
9. Press [MENU] to enter the menu.
10. Change the EAR by using the arrow keys.
11. Press [EXIT] to return to the Audiogram Entry screen. The threshold values
for the first ear will be displayed on the screen as a starting point for the
entry of the new audiogram.