184 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
7.3.2 Insert Earphones
1. Plug in the insert earphone (or insert earphone set) into the “earphone” jack
on the back of your FP35 analyzer.
2. Insert the insert earphone (or insert earphone set) into your client’s ear(s).
3. Enter the Audiometric Entry Screen by pressing [F2] and using the [NEXT]
and [BACK] keys as necessary.
4. Press [MENU].
5. Select EAR and choose the desired ear with the arrow keys.
6. Select ASSESSMENT with [
∨, ∧].
7. Press [<, >] to select INS. EAR or TWO INS. EAR.
8. Press [EXIT].
7.4 Taking Audiometric Measurements
The procedures for measuring audiometric information is described in this sec-
tion. HTL and UCL measurements are described in Section 7.4.1. Sections 7.4.2
and 7.4.3 contain more advanced instruction for measuring HTL and UCL val-
ues in dB SPL and dB Gain.
7.4.1 Measurements in HL
1. If you want to take threshold measurements, select HTL with [F2]. If you
want to take loudness discomfort measurements, select UCL with [F2].
2. Using the [
∨, ∧] keys, select the desired frequency for testing. The selected
frequency will be highlighted in the data box and will also appear under
SOURCE below the HL graph.
3. Using the [<, >] keys, select the desired amplitude. The selected amplitude
will appear next to the selected frequency in the data box. It will also appear
under FREQ below the HL graph. See Section 7.5 for details on the output
limitations of the FP35.
4. Press [START/STOP] to present the tone. Hold the key down for as long as
you would like the tone to be presented. While the tone is being presented,
you will see an ACTIVE label in the lower left corner of the display.
7.4.2 Measurements in SPL
While you take the audiometric measurements, you can also get a probe micro-
phone measurement in dB SPL.
1. Press [MENU].
2. Press [NEXT] to enter the Advanced Menu.
3. Select PROBE MIC (HL) with [
∨] if necessary.
4. Choose ON with [<].
5. Press [EXIT].