72 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
8. Press [EXIT] to return to the Coupler Multicurve screen.
9. Use [∨, ∧] to select the RMS source of the test. Each frequency will have an
amplitude 3 dB less than the RMS source.
10. Set up the aid for test in the sound chamber as usual. Make sure to close the
lid of the sound chamber.
11. Press [START/STOP] to perform the IM distortion sweep. See Figure 3.5.3
for an example. The percentage scaling for the measurement is located on
the right side of the graph. Notice the thick line below the lower right corner
of the graph. This is an indication that the current selected measurement
uses the right side scaling.
3.5.4 Changing the Frequencies of an IM Distortion Sweep
By default, the IM distortion sweep is performed at the frequencies used in the
NORMAL pure-tone sweep. This can be changed to perform the measurements
at fewer frequencies (for a faster test), and more frequencies (for a more com-
plete test). The USER LEVEL must be set to ADVANCED in the Default Settings
menu. See Section 2.3.2 for more details.
1. Press [MENU] from the Coupler Multicurve screen to enter the Coupler
Multicurve menu.
2. Press [NEXT] twice to enter the Custom Menu.
3. Use [ ∨, ∧] to select DISTORTION SWEEP.
4. Use [<, >] to make one of the following selections:
(default test)
• FAST:Tomeasureat1/3octavefrequenciesclosestto100Hzintervals
(fastest test)
• FULL:Tomeasureatevery100Hzinterval(mostcompletetest)
5. Use the arrow keys to select DIST SWEEP END and choose the final fre-
quency in the IM distortion sweep.
6. Press [EXIT] to return to the Coupler Multicurve screen and follow the
directions in Section 3.5.3 to perform the IM distortion sweep.
3.5.5 Turning on/off Impulse Rejection
Impulse rejection can be used to reduce distortion caused by impulses in the
room noise. When noise reduction is used with IM distortion measurements,
several measurements are made to obtain the test results. See Section for
more details. To change the impulse rejection settings, the USER LEVEL must be
set to ADVANCED. See Section 2.3.2 for more details.
1. Press [MENU] in the Coupler Multicurve screen to enter the Coupler
Multicurve menu.