
132 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
The Unaided & Aided Response screen and the Insertion Gain Screen are two
parts of the same insertion gain method of fitting hearing aids. The Unaided &
Aided Response Screen lets you measure and view aided gain measurements of
the hearing aid. See Figure 5.4A. The Insertion Gain screen displays the inser-
tion gain target and lets you measure and view insertion gain measurements of
the hearing aid. See Figure 5.4B. We divided insertion gain into two screens in
order to clearly distinguish between the aided gain and insertion gain curves.
Insertion gain is the difference between the client’s unaided response and his/
her aided response. In other words, insertion gain is the actual gain that the aid
is producing. Aided gain, in contrast, is the gain the aid is producing plus the
natural gain of the ear.
Figure 5.4A—Unaided and Aided Screen