Real-Ear Measurements 135
2. Have the client set the aid’s gain control to the normal use level.
3. Press [F4] to select the source type.
4. Use the [
∨, ∧] keys to adjust the source amplitude to the desired level, usu-
ally the same level used for the unaided measurement.
5. Instruct the client to resume the position they were in for leveling and test-
ing. Tell them to sit very still while the signal is on.
6. Press [START/STOP] to introduce the signal. The aided response will appear
on the graph as a thin line labeled with a curve number.
Note: If you are using the COMP, DIG SPCH, or FAST signal, you can change
the source amplitude during testing to see how the aid responds to such
7. Press [START/STOP] to end the measurement if you are using the COMP,
DIG SPCH, or FAST signal.
8. If you used the COMP or DIG SPCH signal, use the [<,>]keys to view the
last four curves measured while the signal source was running. This should
help eliminate any momentary peaks in the response.
9. If desired, press [F2] to select a another curve number and repeat steps 3-8.
Figure 5.4.2A—Unaided and aided response