Real-Ear Measurements 129
5.3.9 Starting a New Client
When you have finished performing the real-ear (or target coupler) measure-
ments on the hearing aid and patient, pressing [F1] in the Audiogram Entry
screen will erase all measurements and restore settings in order to make setting
up for a new patient quick and easy.
In addition to all audiometric and real-ear measurements being erased, the
following menu items are reset when [F1] is pressed in the Audiogram Entry
screen. They are also set when the analyzer is powered on or when the [RESET]
key is pressed.
• CHANNELS–1(usedbyNAL-NL1only)
• AIDLIMITING–Wideband(usedbyNAL-NL1only)
• FITTYPE–Unilateral(usedbyNAL-NL1only)
• VENT–Tight(usedbyNAL-NL1TargetCoupleronly)
• TUBING–Libby#4(usedbyNAL-NL1TargetCoupleronly)
• SOUNDFIELD–45degrees
The following menu items are set to their default values only when the analyzer
is first powered on. They aren’t reset when NEW CLIENT is pressed or when
[RESET] is pressed. Their default values can be changed in the Default Settings
menu. See Section 2.3.1. (The listed values are the factory defaults.)
• AGE–Adult
• COMPRESSION–52dB(usedbyNAL-NL1andDSLonly)
• AIDGROUP–Standard
• COUPLERTYPE–2cc(usedbyCouplermeasurementscreensonly)
5.3.10 Defining the Menu Items
This section describes all the menu items in the Main and Advanced Audiogram
Entry menus.
Main Audiogram Entry menu
Press [MENU] from the Audiogram Entry screen to open the Audiogram Entry
menu. The following choices are available: