192 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
if source off: Graph filtered, current status estimated RMS
if source warbled: Always filtered to fundamental frequency
Pure tone, Real-Ear Mode
if source >=85dB: Estimated RMS*
if source <85dB: Filtered to fundamental frequency
if source off: Graph filtered, current status estimated RMS
if source warbled: Always filtered to fundamental frequency
*Notes: Estimated RMS combines the energy at all frequencies from 200 – 8000Hz. It can be
lower than true RMS if a noisy signal is being measured.
Warble 6.25 Hz ± 5% deviation (Slow)
33 Hz ± 5% deviation (Fast—all but audiometer)
20 Hz ± 5% deviation (Fast—audiometer)
Accuracy, Coupler ± 2 dB, from 200 to 8000 Hz.
(specific freq)
(true RMS) ± 3 dB, from 200 to 6000 Hz.
± 4 dB, from 6000 to 8000 Hz.
Accuracy, Probe ± 2 dB, from 200 to 8000 Hz.
(specific freq)
Equivalent Input Noise Less than 50 dB RMS.
Crosstalk (probe to ref mic)
200 – 8000Hz At least 80 dB below probe mic signal
Crosstalk (ref mic to probe)
200 – 8000Hz At least 80 dB below reference mic signal
Noise reduction:
Source On Averages the measured signal in synchronism with the
signal generator by the factor chosen. Averaging factors
from 2 to 16 available in powers of 2. Random noise will
be reduced by an amount equal to the inverse square root
of the factor chosen.
Source Off (Spectrum mode) Averages the SPLs at each frequency. This makes the fre-
quency response more accurately reflect the long term
average response of a random noise signal.
Type 2nd, 3rd, and 2nd + 3rd= total.
Resolution 0.1 percent