
Automated Test Sequences 99
In order to test digital hearing aids with “noise reduction” or “speech enhance-
ment” features to the ANSI 96 or ANSI 03 standards, put the aid in “test” mode
via its programming software and do the steps outlined in Section 4.1.6.
In order to get an accurate picture of the aid’s actual performance when it goes
home with your client, put the aid in the mode you will use for that client, and
perform response curve measurements in the coupler and in the real-ear via the
procedures described in Chapter 3 and Chapter 5 using the digital speech (DIG
SPCH) signal source.
4.1.8 Understanding Menu Items
There are two menus for the ANSI test screen. The first contains the most basic
items; things you may want to change frequently. The advanced menu contains
more advanced features that most users probably don’t need to worry about.
Main ANSI Menu
Press [MENU] from the ANSI test screen to enter the local menu. Here are the
ANSI TEST—ANSI standard selected for the test sequence. Choose between
S3.22-1996 and S3.22-2003. Once this selection is changed, you will need to
press [MENU] twice to update the local menu.
AGC SWITCHING—Choose whether or not to include a pause in the test
sequence that will allow you to adjust the compression controls of the AGC aid
from minimum to maximum. A selection of ON will include the pause. A selec-
tion of OFF will remove the pause. This setting is available only when ANSI
TEST is set to S3.22-2003. (See Section 4.1.5.)
EAR— Ear tested. Select LEFT, RIGHT, or NONE. When NONE is selected, the
ear will not be labeled on the ANSI results.
AVG FREQSThe three frequencies used in the ANSI three frequency aver-
ages. The last frequency of the three-frequency pair is used as the selection. See
Section for a complete list of available frequencies.
EQ INPUT NOISEThe type of equivalent input noise measurement (EIN)
made with the ANSI test. NORMAL sets the EIN to use the entire 200 Hz—8000
Hz frequency band. A selection of 5KHz sets the frequency band to 200 Hz—
5000 Hz (recommended), and a selection of OFF skips the EIN entirely.
NOISE REDThe amount of noise reduction used for the pure-tone measure-
ments. See Section
REF MICThe status of the reference microphone.