
Real-Ear Measurements 139
Figure 5.4.4C—Amount of amplification advantage provided by the directional microphones
5.4.5 Testing Open Fit Hearing Aids
Open fit hearing aids have been known to interfere with the reference micro-
phone measurement outside the ear. To determine if a particular hearing aid is
interfering with the reference microphone, perform the following measurement
in any real-ear measurement screen. The feedback cancellation and other fea-
tures normally used by the patient should be enabled on the hearing aid.
1. Measure the aided response as described in Section 5.4.2.
• ThesoundfieldspeakershouldbeLEVELED.
• ThereferencemicrophonesettingshouldbeON.Thereferencemicro-
phone status is displayed in the column of data to the right of the graph
• [F2]shouldbesettoAIDED1.
• Thesourceamplitudeshouldbesetto65dBSPL.Usetheup-downarrow
keys to adjust the source if necessary.
• [F4]shouldbesettoDIGSPCH.
2. Press [START/STOP] to start the measurement. Press [START/STOP] again
when the measurement has stabilized.
3. Use [F2] to select AIDED 2
4. Press [MENU] to open the local menu. Use the arrow keys to set the REF
MIC to OFF. Press [EXIT] to close the local menu.