Real-Ear Measurements 113
Note: If you are using a 90 dB signal, the 12 inch distance is very important. If
the client is too far away, a message box will open, alerting you to move the cli-
ent closer. Don’t forget to relevel for the client’s new position.
5.2.2 Internal Speaker Setup
The technique for converting the FP35 analyzer’s internal sound chamber into
a sound field speaker to use for real-ear measurements is described in this sec-
Removing the speaker from the FP35 compartment
• Openthesoundchamberlid.Dothisbypressingdownonthemetallatch
at the front of the sound chamber lid.
• Liftthespeakeroutofthecompartment.
Installing the speaker on the extension pole
• Locatetheextensionpoleattherightsideofthecompartment.Remove
the pole and place the wide end in the hole at the bottom, right corner of
the sound chamber.
• Placethespeakeronthetaperedendofthepole.Ifthespeakerdoesnot
reach your client’s ear height, you may want to add an optional extension
pole that raises the speaker by an additional 6.5 inches (16.51 cm).
• PositiontheFP35atoneedgeofatable.Thespeakercanberotatedso
that the correct angle for testing is easily achieved.
Figure 5.2.2—Internal sound field speaker setup
Replacing the speaker when the test is complete
• Removethespeakerfromthepole.
• Liftthepoleoutofitsholeandreturnittotherightsideofthecompart-
ment. You must first slide one end of the pole into the notch toward the
front of the FP35 analyzer. The pole will then fit easily onto the ledge.