General Operation 45
• RMSOUTwillbemeasuredasTRMSwithCompositeorDigitalSpeech.
• ERMSwillbemeasuredwithreal-earpure-tonesatorabove85dBSPL.
• ERMSwillbemeasuredwithcouplerpure-tonesatorabove90dBSPL
when the reference microphone is on.
• TRMSwillbemeasuredwithcouplerpure-tonesatorabove90dBSPL
when the reference microphone is off.
• RMSOUTwillnotbemeasuredforCompositeorDigitalSpeech.
• ERMSwillbemeasuredwithreal-earpure-tonesatorabove85dBSPL.
• ERMSwillbemeasuredincouplerpure-tonesatorabove90dBSPL
when the reference microphone is on.
• CRMSwillbemeasuredincouplerpure-tonesatorabove90dBSPL
when the reference microphone is off.
2.5.4 Measuring the RMS of the reference microphone
The Advanced menus of the Coupler Multicurve, Coupler Target, Coupler
EarSim, and real-ear measurement screens contains the REFERENCE STATUS
menu item. This controls the RMS measurement of the reference microphone.
(The USER LEVEL must be set to ADVANCED to change these settings. See
Section 2.3.2 for details.) The following selections are available:
• NONE(default)—TheRMSofthereferencemicrophoneisnotmeasured.
• RMS—TheoverallRMSofthereferencemicrophonewillbedisplayed
when the reference microphone is on.
• FULL—ThereferencesignalqualityaswellastheoverallRMSwillbe
displayed when the reference microphone is on.
When set to RMS or FULL, the REF ON status display in the measurement
screen will be replaced with REF NNdB indicating the overall RMS of the refer-
ence microphone. If the microphones are reversed (see Section 3.8.4), it will be
displayed as “REV NNdB.” If the microphones are split (see Section 3.8.5), the
reference RMS information is not displayed.
When set to FILL, the reference signal quality will be displayed immediately
to the left of the “REF nndB” status in a slightly smaller font. It will appear as
“nnREF NN dB.” If the quality value exceeds 99, a double exclamation “!!” will
be shown, indicating that the data is out of range.
The signal quality information is obtained by determining the worst deviation
in dB from a perfect source signal. For instance, if the source measured by the
reference microphone is perfect (looks exactly as it looked when leveled), except