182 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
6. Select ASSESSMENT and choose SPEAKER, using the arrow keys.
7. Select SOUND FIELD and use the arrow keys to choose 0º or 45º, depending
up on the azimuth used in the client setup.
8. Select REF MIC (SPEAKER) and choose OFF, using the arrow keys. (The ref-
erence microphone will automatically be used for the leveling process, but
you will probably not want to use it for the audiometric measurements.)
9. Press [EXIT].
10. Using the earhook, place the larger reference microphone above the ear.
(The probe microphone is not used for this measurement.) See Figure
11. Press [LEVEL] to level the sound field speaker.
12. Remove the reference microphone from the ear if desired. (You may want to
leave the reference microphone in place if you will be performing real-ear
measurements.) Proceed to Section 7.4.
Reference Mic
(45 or 0 degrees)
Figure 7.3.1A—Sound field speaker placement Figure 7.3.1B—Reference microphone
Free Field Method
1. Set up your sound field speaker as described in Section 9.2.2 or Section
2. Set up your testing environment to perform audiometric test. The client
being tested and the chair in which the client will be sitting should not be
present. All other items in the room, including the clinician performing the
test, should be at the location they will be while the audiometric test is per-