Chapter 2 Pre-installation considerations
30 BAS-APG001-EN
Distance limitations for unmonitored data paths are severely limited.
Table 8. Cabling practices and restraints
Process verification, sometimes referred to as end-to-end testing, can
be considered a means of monitoring data (NFPA 92A [2000] section
3.4.6). Communicated values are an example of process verification.
A communication link can be monitored for quality, and the system
can be notified if there is a communications failure.
Maximum distance Ty p e
Monitored data paths
Refer to the best wiring practices
given in BMTX-SVN01A-EN for
installing Lontalk communication
Trane LonTalk communication link
Refer to the wiring requirements
given in CNT-SVN01C-EN for the I/O
bus wiring between the Tracer
MP580/581 and the EX2s.
Tracer MP580/581 EX2 I/O bus com-
munication link
Unmonitored data paths
3 ft (1 m)
(NFPA 72A [2002] section
Unmonitored distance from pilot
relay or controller output to actuator
20 ft (6 m) and in conduit
(NFPA 72A [2002] section
FACP to Tracer MP581/EX2 interface
FSCS to Tracer MP581/EX2 interface
Note: Questions regarding this information given in this table should be
directed to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), if possible.