73 EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708
• Site
Site name where the controller is located that has raised the alarm. Comes from
the controller file (Panther / Tiger Controller)
• Device
Controller name
• Alarm Reason
Shows the alarm reason, for example, ´min alarm`
• Time stamp
Time when the alarm was raised
• Cleared at
Timestamp when the alarm reason went away, for example, last 24 hours. In the
global alarm list, this is shown as grayed checkbox. If the alarm is cleared, the
checkbox is checked, otherwise unchecked. The timestamp is also displayed in
the details.
• Cleared
Shows whether the alarm is cleared (Yes) or not (No)
• Acknowledged at
Timestamp of user acknowledgement, for example, last hour. In the global alarm
list, this is shown as grayed checkbox. If the alarm is acknowledged, the
checkbox is checked, otherwise unchecked. The timestamp of the
acknowledgement is also displayed in the details.
• Acknowledged by
User that acknowledged the alarm. In the details, the user names or email
addresses of the users who have acknowledged the alarm, are displayed. If an
acknowledgement has been received by email, this field shows the sender’s