EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708 64
View/Edit SERVAL Graphics
By default, ARENA displays a SERVAL graphic when clicking on the corresponding
SERVAL controller in the tree. The graphic is shown on the Graphics tab.
Modifications can be done for the fan switch by selecting the value from the drop-
down listbox.
View/Edit Standard Segments
To view/edit a standard segment, do the following:
1. Expand the tree, and then double-click the controller´s plant that contains the
segments. In the tree, all standard segments of the plant are shown.
2. In the tree, click the standard segment, you want to view/edit.
On the Graphic tab on the right, the standard segment is displayed graphically.
The following screenshots show typical examples of standard segments.
Example 1: Common Alarm and Monitoring 1
This function shows the monitoring result of the segment. When you are online,
values displayed in the small boxes within and outside the schematic, can be
changed. It shows alarm values in red highlighted boxes that are below or
above the allowed limit values.